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作者:养和健康管理 2024-09-08 01:17


Title: What is the English Notation for Uric Acid Lab Test?

Uric acid is a common chemical compound in our body that is produced when food breaks down or when the body produces it naturally. While uric acid is necessary for certain bodily functions, too much of it can lead to health problems, especially in people with gout or kidney disease. Therefore, monitoring uric acid levels is essential for maintaining good health. This article will discuss the English notation for uric acid lab test and its significance.

Uric acid levels are measured in mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter) or μmol/L (micromoles per liter). The most commonly used units to epress uric acid levels are mg/dL and μmol/L. These units are internationally recognized and used by healthcare professionals worldwide.

To understand how to interpret your uric acid test results, it's important to know the normal ranges for different age groups. Here are the general guidelines:

Age| Normal Range (mg/dL)| Normal Range (μmol/L)


Newborn| 60-130| 450-900

Infant (1-2 months)| 70-120| 550-1000

Infant (3-6 months)| 80-140| 650-1100

Infant (6-12 months)| 80-140| 650-1100

Child (1-8 years)| 70-120| 550-1000

Child (9-18 years)| 70-120| 550-1000

Adult male| < 240| < 3.4

Adult female| < 240| < 2.6

If your uric acid level is higher than the normal range, it may indicate that you have elevated levels of uric acid in your blood, which could lead to health problems such as gout, kidney disease, or other conditions. Your healthcare provider may recommend additional tests or treatments based on your specific situation.

In conclusion, understanding the English notation for uric acid lab test is crucial for maintaining good health. By monitoring your uric acid levels regularly, you can catch potential health issues early and take appropriate action to manage them effectively. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and recommendations.
